All absences are created equal.
All absence management solutions are not
Created for one purpose, developed with one focus:
support and manage each and every absence from Day One
AbSolve was built from scratch with one idea in mind: align structure, process and resources to understand, support and
manage unscheduled absence from the onset. By designing a leave management system through the lens of employee
and employer experience instead of regulation or policy, we get higher levels of engagement from all stakeholders. This
leads to consistency and efficiency which increase compliance and reduce cost. Once that optimal end-user experience is
identified, we adapt it as necessary to conform with legislative and policy changes.
Our Philosophy
What we do is meaningful
Who we do it for is important
But how we do it means everything
Developed by seasoned benefits consultants and brokers to fill the void between
recordkeeping and insurance carrier
Our logo says it all and serves as a constant reminder to every AbSolve associate
that we are here to help. We will:
We got into this business to do absence management better. After more than 15 years focusing on the statutory and ancillary benefits market, the growing void between record-keeper and insurer was too big to ignore. Beyond timely and accurate administration of benefits, there was much opportunity to improve the user experience and claimant satisfaction through people, processes, technology, and great data. Those elements are the pillars of our solution and underpin everything we do.
Who We Serve
We cut our teeth and earned our chops on the toughest industry for absenteeism:
healthcare. Here, nurse case management takes on a whole
new meaning and specialized resources are required to administer each
and every leave consistently, concurrently and to its optimal outcome, for
both employer and employee.